The shooting range is now closed for the season. The road is closed at the intersection of Iris Dr and FS 1700. The range is scheduled to reopen May 1, 2018, possibly a few days later depending on road/snow conditions.
We had a very successful season at the range. Our first ever raffle was held which we will do again this following year, we had our most successful trap shooting season which included a couple of late season, mid week shooting day which were very popular and we will continue starting next spring.
Road mix was laid down over weed barrier around the shooting benches to ease brass cleanup, a path was made to the handgun range with the same, the parking area has a new layer of road mix and the area between the trap stations was cleaned of weeds and weed fabric with a layer of clean gravel was laid down. A concrete walkway was poured behind the shooting benches to facilitate wheelchair access and a ramp will be poured next spring.
Check back this spring for a couple of exciting new projects planned for the range for next year.