Sunday, November 19, 2017

Range closed for the season

The shooting range is now closed for the season.  The road is closed at the intersection of Iris Dr and FS 1700.  The range is scheduled to reopen May 1, 2018, possibly a few days later depending on road/snow conditions.
We had a very successful season at the range.  Our first ever raffle was held which we will do again this following year, we had our most successful trap shooting season which included a couple of late season, mid week shooting day which were very popular and we will continue starting next spring.
Road mix was laid down over weed barrier around the shooting benches to ease brass cleanup, a path was made to the handgun range with the same, the parking area has a new layer of road mix and the area between the trap stations was cleaned of weeds and weed fabric with a layer of clean gravel was laid down.  A concrete walkway was poured behind the shooting benches to facilitate wheelchair access and a ramp will be poured next spring.
Check back this spring for a couple of exciting new projects planned for the range for next year.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Range improvements

This afternoon we poured concrete for the upcoming ADA compliant restroom and a walkway that is wheelchair accessible behind the rifle and handgun benches.  It was a frantic couple hours as rain moved in and we had to cover the work as we went along.  We would like to thank the people who were out there today and those who helped us form up and prepare the area last week.  In no particular order they are, Clyde Christensen, Bruce Fox, Dick Greene, Ed Geiger, Ron Freeze, Robert Leasure, Mark Freedman and last but not certainly not least, KC Tanner, our spearhead for projects at the range. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Hunters must expect to see bears

This is a post from last year, but do to recent events we felt the need to post it again
Tuesday, October 04, 2016
With a spate of bear attacks recently in southwest Montana, it is important to remember that slow moving, quiet and camouflaged hunters are sharing the landscape with the state’s even stealthier bears, which may be stalking similar prey.
All hunters and recreationists must be prepared to encounter a grizzly bear and should consider all of western Montana grizzly bear country, not just the Rocky Mountain Front, Bob Marshall Wilderness complex and the Yellowstone ecosystem.
To safely hunt in bear country, hunters should:
  • carry bear spray and know how to use it
  • hunt with a partner and let someone else know your plans
  • get harvested big game out of the woods quickly
  • upon returning to a site where harvested game is left unattended, study the site at a distance for any movement or changes and signal your approach by making plenty of noise
  • never attempt to frighten or haze a bear from a carcass
  • contact FWP if a bear has consumed a carcass or covered it with debris rendering it unsalvageable.
For more on bears, visit FWP's website at; then click Be Bear Aware. Bear resistant products are described on the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee's website at A “How to Hunt Safely in Grizzly Country” brochure is also available at FWP regional offices.

Thank you to our friends at Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks for allowing us to post this article.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Range Cleanup this morning

We had a very successful turnout this morning for range cleanup. With the number of people and the equipment they brought with them, it took us approximately an hour to accomplish our goals. We would like to thank Blair Anderson, Clyde Christensen, Mark Freedman, Ron Freeze, Richard Gibson, Teri Gibson, Dick Greene, Shelby Jarrell, Jeff Jones, Steve Shealey, KC Tanner, Hans Thallmayer and Dave Winter for their time and help.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Trap Shooting returns!

Last year was our most successful trap shooting season for the number of participants. We would like to try and better that this year. We have had some requests to start the trap shooting earlier this year,so, get your reloads done, shotshells bought and your guns ready for next Sunday, May 21, 12 noon. Remember, no shot larger than 7 1/2, eye and ear protection required, $5 per round of 25. All levels of shooters are welcome, if you've never tried it, give it a, umm, shot. Everyone is happy to help newcomers. Come on out for a fun afternoon. WYSSA

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Montana Hunter Education Class

There will be a Hunter Education Class in West Yellowstone this June. Unless you are an apprentice hunter, this class is mandatory in order to purchase a hunting license. The class will be broken into 4 night sessions and a field day. The dates are Wednesday and Thursday, June 7,8, 14 and 15, 6:30pm - 9:30pm. The field day will be Saturday, June 17, 9:00am to 12 noon. All classes and the field day must be attended. For more information, contact Jeff Heaney at (406)646-9321.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Trap shooting

There is already interest in starting trap shooting early this year. Look at the calendar, we will figure out a day or two for May. Trap shooting is held on Sundays at 12 noon (check the calendar first). Cost is $5 per round. Each round is 25 targets, maximum shot size is 7 1/2, eye and ear protection required. All levels of shooters are welcome. Come join us for a great day of fun.

Shooting Range is open!

The road to the range is open as of last Wednesday and the range is open. The new lock with this years combination has been installed. To re-emphasize, if you have not renewed your membership, you will not have the new combination. We are looking for any volunteer help for our range cleanup day which is June 10. Have fun out there and be safe.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Opening Day

Opening day for the range is Monday, May 1st. Unfortunately, when we went in to put the new lock on the gate, the road leading to the range still has a sizeable snow drift across it, closing off access. We will go back in mid week to check the condition of the road and put the new lock on the gate. Hopefully with the upcoming warmer weather, the road will clear quickly. The combination to the lock has been changed, so if you haven't renewed your membership yet and you are planning on shooting, time to get on it.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Trap Shooting Classes!

Once again the West Yellowstone Shooting Sports Association will be hosting a trap shooting clinic taught by Patricia McLelland-Merydith. Patricia is a long time NRA instructor and an award winning trap shooter. The clinics will be held on Saturday and Sunday, July 15 and 16. There will be 2 classes each day, 9am and 1pm. Click on the pop out symbol(square with an arrow) in the upper right corner of the announcement below to open the class flyer pdf and registration form. You will find all necessary information there to view, download and print the registration form. You can also find a link on the Membership page. The classes were very popular last year and promise to fill up again. Register early to reserve a spot!

Annual Meeting, Range Cleanup and Raffle!

This year, the WYSSA Annual Meeting and Volunteer Range Cleanup will be held on the same day, June 10, 2017.

9am - Noon:    Volunteer Range cleanup.
Noon - 1pm:    Complimentary lunch for members.
Noon - Done:   Annual Meeting

Please RSVP at or call (406) 646-6680.  Let us know how many people and whether you would like hamburgers or hotdogs.  Bring your membership card.
The annual meeting will start at 1:00 pm.  The lunch and meeting will be held at the Povah Center.
You do not have to be at the range cleanup to attend the lunch and annual meeting.  Come to all 3 or pick and choose.

This year, the board of directors happily announce, we will be raffling off a Ruger 10/22 at the WYSSA annual meeting!  All proceeds from the raffle will go towards range improvements.
Tickets for the raffle are $5 each or 5 for $20 and are available from:
     Teri Gibson at Westmart,
     Marc Sheppard at Altius Handcrafted Firearms,
     David Winter at Elk Mountain Photography (when they open in the spring)
     Board members.  Contact us at or call (406) 646-6680 for tickets.
     Tickets will also be available at the range cleanup and annual meeting.

The rules for the raffle are as follows:
    1. Must be 18 years or older to participate in the raffle.
    2. Winner must pass the FBI NICS background check.
    3. Winner must have a current drivers license. If DL has PO Box, then winner must have proof of residence with a physical address (vehicle registration, utility bill, phone bill, etc.).
    4. The firearm will have to be transferred to the winner at the authorized FFL license holder's place of business, OR - If the winner needs the gun shipped, the winner pays all associated fees (shipping, handling and insurance fees, as well as any FFL fees from the receiving dealer.
    5. If the winner does not pass the NICS background check, another winner will be drawn.
    6. No other compensation will be given to the winner if the background check is not passed.
    7. Tickets must be purchased in the state of Montana. No online or out of state sales.
      Come out and help at the range cleanup and then join us at the annual meeting to learn about the new projects we are planning for this year.

      We look forward to seeing you there,
      WYSSA Board of Directors