Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Last Chances

Winter is quickly approaching and the range season is rapidly winding down.  Do you have your varmint rifles sighted in?  How about your elk/deer rifle?  There are a couple weeks left to the season, have you checked it recently?  Has your rifle been rattling around in the back seat of your vehicle loose, or do you carry it in a padded case?  Have you had any falls or mishaps while hunting?  I tripped on a hidden branch last week while going downhill. I was unable to get my feet under me and landed fairly hard on my hands and knees, banging my gun on the ground in the process.  Luckily we were on the way out, close to the truck, and our hunt had ended for the day.  The next day we went out to the range to check the zero on my rifle.  It was now shooting 2" left and 1 3/4" low at 100 yards.  Got it dialed back in and it now shoots where it should (1 1/4"high at 100 yards, dead on at 200). 

The range will be closed for the season on November 22.  Get out there and enjoy it while there is still time.